Historical smoking

Historical smoking

JULY 18, 2024

The film ‘The Monuments Men’ has been released with a PG-13 rating. The reason – “some images of war violence and historical smoking.” Yes, the Motion Picture Association of America will give a movie a PG-13 rating for showing “historical smoking”. The Monuments Men takes place towards the end of the…

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Tobacco history Timeline

Tobacco history Timeline

JULY 08, 2024

A tobacco history timeline published today by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation showcases a decrease in smoking among adults, from 42.2 percent in 1965, shortly after the release of the first Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health in 1964, to about 18 percent today. More than just a repository…

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Cigarette smoking causes

Cigarette smoking causes

JUNE 28, 2024

Signs and symptoms of cigarette smoking are frequently obvious even to a casual observer. Besides the confirmatory evidence (a person actually smoking a cigarette in public view), -stained fingers and, the characteristic smell of smoke impregnated clothing and household items, the chronic ,the gravelly voice, and often the visible pack of cigarettes and lighter in a person…

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What is the History of lung cancer?

What is the History of lung cancer?

JUNE 18, 2024

(Regarding this and Timmermann s previous book, with Elizabeth Toon, Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways: Historical and Social Perspectives, 2012) These books, with their origins in the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Manchester, present an excellent insight into what it has been to have cancer. Collectively, they present three…

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Anti Tobacco products

Anti Tobacco products

JUNE 08, 2024

If you ve watched television over the last few years, you ve probably seen one or two of the more controversial anti-smoking ads that run during prime viewing hours. In one commercial, the camera zooms in on fatty deposits squeezed from the aorta of a 32-year old smoker. Another commercial features cowboys and models, traditional tobacco icons, cuddling up to body bags. So…

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Surgeon General History

Surgeon General History

MAY 29, 2024

Abstract The National Library of Medicine originated as a few books in the office of the army s surgeon general, Joseph Lovell, between 1818 and 1836. It became the nation s largest medical library after the Civil War under the direction of John Shaw Billings and began publishing the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General s Office and preparing the Index Medicus…

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Smoking-Related lung cancer

Smoking-Related lung cancer

MAY 19, 2024

Because our lungs draw in and utilize the air from outside of our body, anything that we breathe in can affect their health. The most important risk factor for lung cancer is smoking tobacco. Nearly 87% of all lung cancers in the United States are smoking-related. Quitting smoking helps to reduce that risk – learn more about smoking cessation programs. Exposure to secondhand…

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The history of cigarettes

The history of cigarettes

MAY 09, 2024

The use of tobacco for smoking has been practiced for centuries. The tobacco plant has been grown in America since the 17th century and tobacco has been used in various forms since. The form of smoking tobacco by rolling the leaves in fine paper was frequently done by hand for those who practiced it, which limited the habit of smoking. In 1865, a man named Washington Duke from…

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U.S. smoking

U.S. smoking

APRIL 29, 2024

A closer look shows that from 1997 to 2004 there was a steady decline but then there was a plateau until 2009 when the current downward trend began to fall again, as noted by CDC Director Tom Frieden. He points out that 2009 was when tobacco taxes increased and when the FDA began regulating tobacco. Also of note was the 2012 launch of a graphic anti-smoking campaign from the…

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