Smoking History

Historical smoking

Historical smoking

July 18, 2024
The film ‘The Monuments Men’ has been released with a PG-13 rating. The reason – “some images of war violence and historical smoking.”…

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Smoking Jacket History

Smoking Jacket History

March 10, 2024
A Reason For Elation by Lady Katie The classic smoking jacket is a mid thigh-length jacket made from velvet or silk, or both. It features…

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Tobacco, Cash Crop

Tobacco, Cash Crop

January 20, 2024
The year was 1614, and the sailing ship Elizabeth was setting off from the young English colony of Jamestown, bound for London with…

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History of Smoke Detectors

History of Smoke Detectors

December 31, 2023
What is a Smoke Detector? A smoke detector is a device that detects the presence of smoke in a building and warns the occupants by…

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History of Weed smoking

History of Weed smoking

July 4, 2023
From the sites where prehistoric hunters and gatherers lived, to ancient China and Viking ships, cannabis has been used across the…

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US tobacco laws

US tobacco laws

March 5, 2023
The American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation has tracked, collected, and analyzed tobacco control ordinances, by-laws, and Board of Health…

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History of Smoke Signals

History of Smoke Signals

February 3, 2023
It s a very human characteristic to communicate through the use of gestures and signs. The plains tribes, including the Arapaho Indians…

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Anti-smoking campaign History

Anti-smoking campaign History

October 4, 2020
Prohibition is won, now for tobacco,proclaimed the great anti-saloon preacher Billy Sunday in 1919 (1). Within months of the war in…

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Smoke Signals History

Smoke Signals History

September 24, 2020
A gentle.almost magical.puff of smoke rises up toward the clouds and heavens, floating, suspended in space, lifting then gradually…

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Surgeon Generals Warning

Surgeon Generals Warning

August 21, 2020
The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service has issued the following warning on marijuana: Marijuana use is a major public health…

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Pack year smoking History

Pack year smoking History

March 9, 2020
For example, some studies suggest that women are more susceptible to the carcinogens in cigarettes, because women appear to develop…

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Where is tobacco grown?

Where is tobacco grown?

October 20, 2019
Know that tobacco leaf will grow in almost every type of soil. Tobacco is an extremely hardy plant. It grows pretty much where any…

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