Destroyer Warding making Smoke

Making smoke

Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 19
  • Get the ingredients. Smoke bombs are composed of a simple concoction of potassium nitrate and sugar. By grinding these ingredients and mixing them together, you can create a smoke bomb just as good as store-bought products. Here's what you'll need:

Put on your safety gear. Wear gloves, goggles, and a filter mask to keep yourself safe as you conduct your experiment.

Grind the ingredients. Using a coffee grinder (that you will never again use for coffee) or a mortar and pestle, grind the ingredients separately. Grind the saltpeter until it is a very fine powder, then grind the sugar. Because these materials are flammable, you have to be very careful to avoid sparks while grinding.

Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 20 Measure out the powders and mix them together. The ratio you need is three parts saltpeter and two parts sugar. Weigh them on a kitchen scale, then place them in a bowl and mix them together.

Mix in the baking soda.

Pour the mixed powder into the cardboard tube. To make it easier to pour, you can use a funnel, or place the powder in a small plastic bag and cut off one corner, then pour.

Tape the other disc on the top of the tube. Make sure it's securely in place.

Insert a fuse or piece of string soaked in lighter fluid. Cut a small hole in the lid of the tube, then push the fuse inside. The fuse should be long enough to give you time to leave the vicinity once you light it.

Place the bomb somewhere strategic. Place it in an outdoor area clear of buildings, trees, people and pets. You should never light a smoke bomb indoors.

Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 21 Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 22 Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 23 Image titled Make a Smoke Bomb Step 24
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